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Apps » IpBike » GPS only checkbox?

Started by jasesun23 May 08 2016, 20:33
Posts: 4
May 08 2016, 20:33

I'm a little confused about how some of the checkboxes work. One example is setting up a "bike" for a outdoor run using the footpod. When I have GPS only check it always defaults to the footpod sensor for pace. I would think with the checkbox GPS only - no bike sensors.HR works either way checked it would ignore the foot pod for pace and distance.

How would I go about setting it up so that it uses the footpod for cadence but GPS for speed and distance

Also with my bike when I have GPS only check it used the sensors attached to the bike. It detects them and uses them even if that box is checked.

What is the point of the check box under foot pod if it automatically uses it weather its checked or not?


Posts: 939
May 10 2016, 21:59

The GPS only - no bike sensors checkbox on the bike page should not be checked if your using something like a bike sensor or a footpad that can be used to identify the 'bike'. HR sensors are looked for all the time whichever 'bike' so the setting has not effect on this.

The main effect of the checkbox is the way the sensors are started and the way you get to select the 'bike' setup as described the bike will be selected automatically for you based off the sensors found.

If you add the foot-pod sensor to the running 'bike' then you will get a new checkbox which lets you specify to use the gps for speed.

Posts: 5
Sep 01 2019, 21:24

Could I use this setting to just have my power/cadence sensor (Garmin Vector 2s) associated with the bike but not have to have a speed sensor? I keep picking up new speed sensors during group rides and I'd like to stop that from happening. Thanks