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Apps » IpBike » Sensor problem withy Galaxy S9 and Android 10

Started by beccogiallo Mar 15 2020, 16:42
Posts: 16
Mar 15 2020, 16:42

Hi everybody.
I moved my Ipbike on a new phone, a Galaxy S9 with latest SW, which is Android 10-based.
I began re-registering the sensors, but IpSensorMan didn't want to see my BTLE S&C sensor. I tried many times, also forcing manual search with "Add BTLE" and "Add Bluetooth".
Then I noticed that the sensor was indeed recognized in the phone's standard bluetooth search screen. I paired it there, then did a "Add Bluetooth" search in IpSensorMan and immediately I had it.
Is that OK or should I unpair it and try again in a different way?

Comparing the sensor info the only difference I can see is btle_type=2 while on former phone (Galaxy nexus with LineageOS 13, no problem recognizing the sensor form IpSennsorMan directly) is btle_type=130

The same happened with my Viiiiva HR sensor, it was readily seen as ANT device but not as BTLE device, I had first to pair it with the phone as explained above.

Last edit: beccogiallo Mar 15 2020, 17:08