
If you have trouble registering then email support @ and I can force things though.

The system is not that good but I prefer to spend my time working on IpBike than trying to set up an alternative. It is at least good at keeping the spam away.

It is advisable to 'copy' before you try and post as the captcha stuff is a bit to agresive and the back buttone is not working for everyone.  You can at least then paste and have another go.

Apps » IpBike » Bike combo sensor offline

Started by bdclover2 May 22 2018, 07:30
Posts: 3
May 22 2018, 07:30

Hi support!
Since months I'm suffering from this problem: I've ipbike + a Combo Sensor (speed and cadence) + heart rate sensor...
So very simple: I start every ride with: "start sensors" and then I start to ride.. I never got any issue with the HR sensor.. it is seen by the smartphone and it works.. no issues.. Instead I always get the SC sensor in offline state.. if via sensorman I force it online it goes in "searching mode" and then offline.. Even if I try several time.. there is no way to get it back online and tracking..
The only workaround I've found it is:
- put offline the sensor (from searching)
- delete the sensor
- add new bluetooth sensor
- do a search and wait 5-10 seconds
- select the SC sensor
- the sensor is added and it goes in tracking mode

I do this every single time I ride my bike.. same if I do a quick pause (like 3-4 minutes)..

I've looked at the sensorman logs and found this that I paste here below:

Hope someone can help:

I, 05:47:16.451, c.i.a.i.AntPlusManApplication, Logger reset to use getExternalFilesDir /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ original_base was null
I, 05:47:16.772, c.i.a.i.AntPlusManApplication, Have ANT :true BTLE :true ANT+Plugin :true version :30610 enabled :true
I, 05:47:16.776, c.i.a.i.AntPlusManApplication, Have getExternalFilesDir() :/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/
I, 05:47:16.808, c.i.a.i.AntPlusManApplication, sAntCount :1 sBtleCount :1 sBtClasicCount :0 sAntTypesCount :1
I, 05:47:16.809, c.i.a.ipantman.MainService, Service onStartCommand intent Thread :13584
I, 05:47:16.812, c.i.a.ipantman.MainService, Ant Service Registering:IpBike Count:1
I, 05:47:16.834, c.i.a.ipantman.MainService, Creating AntPlusManBtle
I, 05:47:16.842, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusManBtle, initBtle()
I, 05:47:16.984, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusMan, doBindAntRadioService
I, 05:47:17.199, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusMan, onServiceConnected name com.dsi.ant.service.socket/com.dsi.ant.service.AntRadioService mChannelCount :0 legacy_in_use :false
I, 05:47:17.603, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusMan, mChannelProviderStateChangedReceiver mChannelCount :8 mMaxChannels :8
I, 05:47:17.604, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusMan, initalAntConection channels availible :8
I, 05:47:17.605, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusMan, initalAntConection doing ANT_READY
I, 05:47:17.619, c.i.a.ipantman.MainService, Service onStartCommand intent Thread :13584
I, 05:47:17.620, c.i.a.ipantman.MainService, Start Sensor Type :16 Id :16777216 :'generic_control'
I, 05:47:17.635, c.i.a.ipantman.MainService, Failed Start Sensor Type :16 Id :16777216 :'generic_control'
I, 05:47:17.637, c.i.a.ipantman.MainService, Service onStartCommand intent Thread :13584
I, 05:47:17.640, c.i.a.ipantman.MainService, Start Sensor Type :120 Id :83886080 :'heart_rate'
I, 05:47:17.657, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusMan, startOneSensor(0x00000078,0xfffff2af) :heart_rate
I, 05:47:17.704, c.i.a.i.s.SensorBaseChannel, openChannel :0 SEARCHING
I, 05:47:17.705, c.i.a.i.sensors.SensorHrm, requestAccessToPcc starting requestAccess for HR devId :62127
I, 05:47:18.031, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusMan, Add request :DeviceRequestType [m_req_id=-3409, m_knowen_count=1, m_req_type=120, m_bt_mac_addr=null, m_all_bike_types=false, m_wildcard_type=false, m_knowen=true, m_unknowen=false, m_wildcard_if_none=true, m_multiple_knowen=false, m_waiting_specific=false]

I, 05:47:18.033, c.i.a.ipantman.MainService, Service onStartCommand intent Thread :13584
I, 05:47:18.034, c.i.a.ipantman.MainService, Start Sensor Type :25 Id :16777216 :'environment'
I, 05:47:18.043, c.i.a.ipantman.MainService, Failed Start Sensor Type :25 Id :16777216 :'environment'
I, 05:47:18.044, c.i.a.ipantman.MainService, Service onStartCommand intent Thread :13584
I, 05:47:18.046, c.i.a.ipantman.MainService, Start Sensor Type :31 Id :16777216 :'muscle_oxygen'
I, 05:47:18.054, c.i.a.ipantman.MainService, Failed Start Sensor Type :31 Id :16777216 :'muscle_oxygen'
I, 05:47:18.056, c.i.a.ipantman.MainService, Service onStartCommand intent Thread :13584
I, 05:47:18.057, c.i.a.ipantman.MainService, Start Sensor Type :121 Id :-14049 :'bike_speed_cadence'
I, 05:47:18.058, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusMan, startAllKnowenSensorType where ((type=121) AND (pair_flags=0))
I, 05:47:18.082, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusMan, startOneSensor(0x00000079,0xffffc91f) :bike_speed_cadence
I, 05:47:18.116, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusManBtle, startBtleSensor 'Bike Combo Sensor' bt_mac :7C:EC:79:EC:38:62
I, 05:47:18.139, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusMan, Add request :DeviceRequestType [m_req_id=-14049, m_knowen_count=1, m_req_type=121, m_bt_mac_addr=null, m_all_bike_types=false, m_wildcard_type=false, m_knowen=false, m_unknowen=true, m_wildcard_if_none=true, m_multiple_knowen=true, m_waiting_specific=false]

I, 05:47:18.147, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, Trying to create a new BTLE connection for: 'Bike Combo Sensor' 7C:EC:79:EC:38:62
I, 05:47:18.444, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusMan, mChannelProviderStateChangedReceiver mChannelCount :7 mMaxChannels :8
I, 05:47:20.266, c.i.a.i.s.SensorBaseChannel, ch(0) doDeviceState new State :TRACKING
I, 05:47:20.339, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusMan, DoNewFoundAntDevice wanted device was specific
I, 05:47:20.340, c.i.a.i.s.SensorBaseChannel, NEW_SENSOR_EVENT dbid :1 channel :0 type :120 Heart Rate mAppCount-:1
I, 05:47:20.341, c.i.a.ipantman.DeviceRequests, RemoveRequests specific sb :SensorBaseChannel [mChannel=0, mUseingPlugin=true, mType=120, mDevId=-3409, mTypeString=Heart Rate, mChannelState=
, mAppCount=1, mName=unknown, mLastGoodTime=0]
removing :DeviceRequestType [m_req_id=-3409, m_knowen_count=1, m_req_type=120, m_bt_mac_addr=null, m_all_bike_types=false, m_wildcard_type=false, m_knowen=true, m_unknowen=false, m_wildcard_if_none=true, m_multiple_knowen=false, m_waiting_specific=false]

I, 05:47:20.341, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusMan, DoNewFoundAntDevice mDevReq state :DeviceRequests [m_request_list=[DeviceRequestType [m_req_id=-14049, m_knowen_count=1, m_req_type=121, m_bt_mac_addr=null, m_all_bike_types=false, m_wildcard_type=false, m_knowen=false, m_unknowen=true, m_wildcard_if_none=true, m_multiple_knowen=true, m_waiting_specific=false]
], m_active_list=[SensorBaseChannel [mChannel=0, mUseingPlugin=false, mType=121, mDevId=-14049, mTypeString=Bicycle S&C, mChannelState=SEARCHING, mAppCount=0, mName=Bike Combo Sensor, mLastGoodTime=0]
, SensorBaseChannel [mChannel=0, mUseingPlugin=true, mType=120, mDevId=-3409, mTypeString=Heart Rate, mChannelState=
, mAppCount=1, mName=unknown, mLastGoodTime=0]
], m_plugin_list=[]]
I, 05:47:21.869, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusManBtle, mStopBtleScanRunnable doing ANT_READY
I, 05:47:22.375, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusMan, mAntScanRunnable restarting first scan
I, 05:47:22.377, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusMan, startOneSensor(0x00000079,0xffffc91f) :bike_speed_cadence
W, 05:47:22.387, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusManBtle, startBtleSensor already got dbid :2:Bike Combo Sensor
I, 05:47:22.392, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusMan, mAntScanRunnable restarting second scan
I, 05:47:22.394, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusMan, startOneSensor(0x00000079,0xffffc91f) :bike_speed_cadence
W, 05:47:22.402, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusManBtle, startBtleSensor already got dbid :2:Bike Combo Sensor
I, 05:47:23.403, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, onConnectionStateChange for "Bike Combo Sensor" status :133 "GATT_ERROR" newState :0
W, 05:47:23.406, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, onConnectionStateChange bad status :133 "GATT_ERROR" newState :0 Not retrying.
I, 05:47:23.407, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, onConnectionStateChange GATT_ERROR for "Bike Combo Sensor" Not retrying.
E, 05:47:23.408, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, Btle Error device Bike Combo Sensor address :7C:EC:79:EC:38:62 mRetryCount:0
I, 05:47:23.443, c.i.a.i.s.SensorBaseChannel, Sending RX_TIMEOUT_EVENT for dbid :2 type :121
I, 05:47:23.444, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusMan, DoNewSearchFinished got match for :SensorBaseChannel [mChannel=0, mUseingPlugin=false, mType=121, mDevId=-14049, mTypeString=Bicycle S&C, mChannelState=OFFLINE, mAppCount=0, mName=Bike Combo Sensor, mLastGoodTime=0]

Last edit: bdclover2 May 22 2018, 16:02

Posts: 3
May 22 2018, 07:36

then here it looks I've deleted:

I, 05:48:17.802, c.i.a.i.ui.SensorFragment, onCreateContextMenu position :0 Bike Combo Sensor OFFLINE mServiceStarted :true
I, 05:48:18.749, c.i.a.ipantman.DbProvider, DbProvider delete() Uri :content://

then added and found and it goes in tracking mode

I, 05:48:22.149, c.i.a.i.ui.SensorFragment, addBtSensor()
I, 05:48:22.200,, onCreate
I, 05:48:25.063, c.i.a.i.s.SensorBaseChannel, ch(0) doDeviceState new State :SEARCHING
I, 05:48:36.213, c.i.a.i.ui.SensorFragment, onActivityResult type:BTLE name:Bike Combo Sensor address:7C:EC:79:EC:38:62 dev-id:-14049
I, 05:48:36.230, c.i.a.ipantman.DbProvider, DbProvider insert Uri :content://
I, 05:48:36.231, c.i.a.i.ui.SensorFragment, finalAddBtleSensor name :Bike Combo Sensor address :7C:EC:79:EC:38:62 made up dev_id :-14049
I, 05:48:36.267, c.i.a.ipantman.MainService, Service onStartCommand intent Thread :13584
I, 05:48:36.268, c.i.a.ipantman.MainService, Start Sensor Type :0 Id :51487 :'unknown'
I, 05:48:36.269, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusMan, startOneSensor(0x00000000,0x0000c91f) :unknown
W, 05:48:36.272, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusManBtle, startBtleSensor already got dbid :2:Bike Combo Sensor
W, 05:48:36.273, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusManBtle, startBtleSensor was closed restarting dbid :2:Bike Combo Sensor
I, 05:48:36.283, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusMan, Add request :DeviceRequestType [m_req_id=51487, m_knowen_count=0, m_req_type=0, m_bt_mac_addr=null, m_all_bike_types=false, m_wildcard_type=true, m_knowen=false, m_unknowen=false, m_wildcard_if_none=false, m_multiple_knowen=false, m_waiting_specific=false]

I, 05:48:36.291, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, Trying to create a new BTLE connection for: 'Bike Combo Sensor' 7C:EC:79:EC:38:62
I, 05:48:36.845, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, onConnectionStateChange for "Bike Combo Sensor" status :0 "GATT_SUCCESS" newState :2
I, 05:48:36.866, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, onServicesDiscovered status 'Bike Combo Sensor' :0 : GATT_SUCCESS
I, 05:48:36.881, c.i.a.i.s.SensorBaseChannel, ch(0) doDeviceState new State :TRACKING

then it gives me some other info

I, 05:48:36.893, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, S GAP : 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
I, 05:48:36.894, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, S GATT : 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
I, 05:48:36.894, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, S Cycling SC Service : 00001816-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
I, 05:48:36.895, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, Starting to look for CSC data
I, 05:48:36.897, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, S Device Information Service : 0000180a-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
I, 05:48:36.897, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, Going to read MODEL NUMBER
I, 05:48:36.898, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, Going to read SERIAL NUMBER
I, 05:48:36.898, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, Going to read FIRMWARE REVISION
I, 05:48:36.898, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, Going to read HARDWARE REVISION
I, 05:48:36.899, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, Going to read SOFTWARE REVISION
I, 05:48:36.899, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, Going to read MANUFACTURER NAME
I, 05:48:36.899, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, S Battery Service : 0000180f-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
I, 05:48:36.900, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, Going to read Battery Level
I, 05:48:37.409, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, Got MODEL_NUMBER : STP-628
I, 05:48:37.507, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, Got SERIAL_NUMBER : 20121116
I, 05:48:37.604, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, Got FIRMWARE_REVISION : FW VER 1.4
I, 05:48:37.751, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, Got HARDWARE_REVISION : HW VER 1.0
I, 05:48:37.848, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, Got SOFTWARE_REVISION : SW VER 1.0
I, 05:48:37.945, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, Got MANUFACTURER_NAME : STL
I, 05:48:38.044, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, Got BATTERY_LEVEL level: 52%
I, 05:48:38.775, c.i.a.i.btle.BtleSensorBase, sendSensorEvent dbid :2 channel :0 type :121 Bicycle S&C
I, 05:48:46.856, c.i.a.ipantman.MainService, StillAlive mRegisteredCount:2
I, 05:48:46.859, c.i.a.ipantman.AntPlusManBtle, ChannelLogStateAll mBtle.size():1

Hope someone can help