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Apps » IpBike » Favero Assioma Duo average cadence

Started by Roy_n Jan 07 2019, 13:23
Posts: 26
Jan 07 2019, 13:23

Average cadence is shown as far too low both on screen during a ride or post ride in the stats whereas current cadence is shown correctly. If I do a re-evaluate stats on a ride then the average cadence is corrected. This happens wether connected over ANT+ or BTLE.

I previously used a 4iiii power meter and the average cadence was always shown as correct.

Posts: 128
Jun 19 2019, 07:11

same problem to me...avg cadence for example today was 66 during the ride..after the re-evaluate stats was 83.

I have also problem with my Assioma Duo with drop power and cadence.

Sometimes without any reason,I continue to pedalling, both cadence and power go to 0 for some seconds.

It is very annoying because I lost avg power and cadence too.

I have the new Samsung S10 but also last year I had similar problems with Favero BEPRO and Samsung S5 (I thought the problems came from Bepro)


Posts: 26
Aug 12 2019, 21:53

I was also getting a few power/cadence drop outs on my S5 but found that having Bluetooth enabled on my phone even though I don't have any Bluetooth sensors stopped the drop outs.