If you have an ANT compatible smartphone you need to download both IpBike and IpSensorMan if you just do IpBike it will automatically get you to do IpSensorMan if it thinks you have a compatible phone.
IpBike download. Version 1.1.9
The main Bike computer app. There is a limit of 1,000,000 wheel revolutions before you need IpBikeKey to unlock the limit. If anyone gets close while I am still in beta then I will happily let you have a copy. The app wants the following permissions.
Your location - fine gps. Well it is a data logger and has maps etc.
Network communications - full Internet access. The maps and the crash reporting system and usage stats want this.
Storage - modify/delete SD card content. I do log data to Android/data/
System tools - prevent phone from sleeping. There are options to keep the screen sleeping and dimming.
Hardware Controls - control vibrator. Double tap on map makes a vibration as it brings up menu.
IpSensorMan download. Version 1.1.1

Manages the ANT+™ sensors. The reason for separating the sensor management into a separate application is to allow multiple Apps to use the sensors simultaneously. If you want your app to be able to use the sensors though this system let me know. The interface is intent and broadcast receiver based and I take care of most of the tricky ANT stuff in the manager app. The manager relies on ANTRadio services you need version 2.6 or later to enable ANT to work with the phone in airplane mode. The manager needs the following permissions.
Network communications - full Internet access. The crash reporting system want this.
Storage - modify/delete SD card content. There is an option to save a debug log file which has helped me debug some of the power sensors I don't actually have access to.
Hardware controls - ANT radio access. Want be able to do much without this one.
System tools - modify global system settings, prevent phone from sleeping. There is an option to keep ANT active when the phone is in airplane mode which us useful for saving power, this needs to modify the system settings. You still need to do the airplane mode entry yourself. This feature needs at least version 2.6 of ANTRadio Services. If we are actively monitoring the ANT radio the phone will not sleep, the screen may still go off though.
IpPeloton download. Version 1.0.1
Monitor other ANT+ Heart rate and Bike Power sensors within range of your phone. So you can see the data from your peloton companions.
Network communications - full Internet access. The crash reporting system want this.
System tools - prevent phone from sleeping. If we are actively monitoring the ANT radio the phone will not sleep, the screen may still go off though.