Ifor's orienteering training log


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Jan 3, 2012
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Posted by: ifor
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Jan 2, 2012
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Posted by: ifor
OK upgraded the site CMS system just now to 1.10.2.  hope everything still works.
Oct 30, 2011
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Posted by: ifor
Added a blog section to the site.  I need to sort out the templates a bit as things are not looking so good.
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Apps » IpBike » Can't save file

Started by lillejord Jul 23 2012, 05:28
Posts: 12
Jul 23 2012, 05:28

I saved a ride as GPX and then changed the name of the ride and changed some details. Now I can not Save As,Plot, Upload, or Route. Only Send and Laps are available.

I didn't realize that Strava wouldn't import heart rate infor from GPX files so I wanted to re-save as TCX, but the Save As option is now greyed out.
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Posts: 939
Jul 23 2012, 13:12


Firstly are you sure the phone has access to the SD card? If you have it mounted in the wrong mode on a PC via USB then it want be visable to the app, you should get a warning about this though...

Can you look on the SD card Android/data/com.iforpowell.android.ipbike/files/internal_logs/ is where the data file is kept the file extension will be .ipp. The name is the same as the ride name. When you rename the ride the file should get renamed as well. The none accesible buttons are because the expected file can not be found. If you can see the old file then rename it manualy to "with Julia.ipp" and see what happens.

You should not need to actualy do a save as to upload to Strava you should be able to upload directly if you set up the nessasary preferences. Preferences - other preferences - upload preferences - Strava preferences.

Glad you have some Heart Rate data looks like you have ANT working...

Posts: 12
Jul 24 2012, 01:39

Yeah, I was just testing some stuff out. Mostly seeing if the time issue I was having was Strava's end or IpBike's end and if I could fix it in the GPX file.

It appears the the the file name for the ride didn't change when I changed the name of the ride. Renaming the file worked.

I bought a new phone (Galaxy S III) and had no problems getting ANT+ working with your apps. I couldn't get USB Host API working with my Samsung Captivate, only USB Host Accessory mode. ANT USB Services specifically requires USB Host API to work. The added bonus of the new phone is that the GPS is infinitely better.

Posts: 939
Jul 24 2012, 08:16

OK good to hear the data is still there. I will review the code and see if I can see what the reason may of been.

Can I ask if you know roughly when you tried to do the rename? I can have a look at the analitics logs. Knowing the phone and the time gives me a chance of finding the data. I should of logged any specific error if I caught it, although it may well be somthing I am not checking.

Strava upload time I think is an issue with the app. I have had a seperate report and have a potential fix for the next release.

The Galaxy S III should be good with the pressure sensor support and an ANT stick. The battery size looks good too so it would be interesting to know if you got a realy good run time with it.

Posts: 12
Jul 25 2012, 04:14

It was roughly 8PM PDT. I changed the name and then saved the GPX file. The name then reverted to the default name. I had to try changing it a couple times to get it to stick. When I went to upload the GPX file, I was a bit surprised it had the name I had originally tried to change it to (UW to Matthews Beach to Fremont and back with Julia). If you need any files let me know and I'll give them to you.

Does IpBike utilize the pressure sensor? Or is that planned for the future?

My first ride with the phone was 1:30 moving and 2:30 total (stopped for dinner towards the end). Had the screen off most of the time. App audio was on, which was a surprise, GPS and Data were on, and had the heart rate monitor connected. Barely impacted the battery. Next time I'll pay better attention to the actual percentage. I also bought an external batter pack for future rides so I can try leaving the screen on. I just need to finish hacking together the Y-adapter so I can use the battery pack and the ANT+ stick at the same time.

Posts: 939
Jul 25 2012, 08:23

Tanks for the time I will see what I can find in the logs.

The fact the Sony Active had a pressure sensor as well as ANT and waterproof is what got me to write the app. As it had all the hardware of my homemade bike computer had but there were no apps using it all availible. The pressure sensor should be being used on the S III, it's a different chip than the Active and the other Samsung phones but the algorithithm I use to filter the data should cope well with different sensitivity and variability. The incline and climb rate data is historical e.g. over the last 8m worth of climb or decent so there is a bit of a lag.

At least with the Sony Active the screen is the big battery drain. I tend to use 25% brightness and don't think about it for a ride up to 4 hours as I should have enough battery.

The S III has twice the battery size of the Active and normaly newer hardware is more energy efficent, although the considerably larger screen area will have an affect the other way. I expect you will get a considerably better runtime than with the Active but some real numbers will be very interesting. One of the major things people have against using a phone as a bike computer is the lack of runtime. Some of the early GPS implementations were very bad battery wise, but more modern ones are far better.

Posts: 3
Jan 30 2013, 18:51

Thanks for a BOSS program

The .ipp file in question: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9980640/IpBike_2.ipp

I am experiencing the very same thing - I tried renaming and then I couldn't upload/save as/plot (greyed out). I tried renaming the ipp file in InternalLogs to withjulia.ipp, but it doesn't list it with the new name in Ride History.

Can you grab the ipp file and look at it? (eventually convert it to .gpx so I can upload it to Strava?).

Thanks in advance

Thue (Denmark)

Posts: 3
Jan 30 2013, 19:10


Fixed it

- renaming to withjulia.ipp sure didn't help. I realised why you suggested that, after viewing the screenshot of the flawed ride LOL.

So I tried renaming the ride in internal logs the same as what it was on the phone screen, and BAM the buttons became active and did a succesful Strava-upload.

This was the rename that screwed it up - maybe som ascII incompability?

44/21 32c RecoveryBackpackSPIN

Posts: 939
Jan 30 2013, 21:35

Thanks for the feedback.

I will do some more testing. The '/' will be the problem. I just fixed something similar in the custom screen system but when you put a bad character in the name there is crashed so I got the crash reports. This just looks to end up with a miss-match between the database and the file.

Posts: 3
Jan 30 2013, 22:53

One solution is to make the red SHOUT when you type illegal characters like / and others - just like when there is no text or when you try to give the ride a name which already exists.

Posts: 939
Jan 31 2013, 21:34

Yes I will look to do somethinbg like this.

Posts: 939
Feb 18 2013, 13:39

Should be better in 1.3.0. I check for bad characters in a file name and show the error stuff as apropriate.

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