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Apps »
IpBike » Data dropout bug
Started by dejavous Nov 05 2012, 11:59
Posts: 16 |
Nov 05 2012, 11:59
Have a had a few issues on my last few rides. Twice I've been out since the 1.1.7 update and the data recording just seems to drop out. This morning I noticed that the Power reading disappeared after approx 3.5km and even though speed was being displayed the GPS wasn't being logged either. So I stopped the trip and started a new one which restored the GPS recording but nothing being recored from the Power Meter. IpBike was displaying nothing for the power value but opening the IpSensorMan was showing the power figure when I was pedaling.
I uploaded the rides to Strava and checked the json files. The Power and GPS dropped out after exactly 2 minutes. The GPS started logging again after 90 seconds but exactly 2 minutes after that the GPS dropped again.
Also to verify that it wasn't a problem with my phone I was also running Endomondo this morning and it recorded the GPS without problem for the entire trip.
Last edit: dejavous Nov 05 2012, 12:01 |
Moderator Posts: 939 |
Nov 05 2012, 20:05
Sounds very strange. Indevidualy I can think of senarios where you could loose the power reading (Bad ANT radio reception....) and the GPS (there was a bug in pre ICS Active firmware where it could drop out for 30s every 5 minutes) both together but good in IpSensorMan and Endomondo implies something wrong in the background service running on it's own thread. This basicaly runs once a second and writes the data to the .ipp file. The change in that code from 1.1.5 to 1.1.7 was the extra work to do the Text to speech continuas feedback. Have you switched this on? It defaults to off but I have had it on all the time since I added it. I will switch it off for my comute tommorow. Can you email me the Ipp file from internal_logs so I can take a look.
Moderator Posts: 939 |
Nov 05 2012, 20:36
Just double checked how I put the TTS stuff into the service. Very little chance of not running it breaking the old recording code. I just check on starting the trip wether to start a seperate chunk of self containd code that will run just on the TTS feedback interval but never runs if it's swiched off.
The other thing I would not normaly test is running something like Endomondo in parallel. It should work so long as only one had access to the ANT system but not something I have personaly tested. Had it failed before you did this?
Posts: 16 |
Nov 06 2012, 01:01
I thought it a little strange all right. The first time it happened I just had IpBike running, so this morning I started Endomondo before IpBike to see if it was a problem with the phone or with the app. I just had Endomondo tracking GPS, I didn't attempt to pair it with the power meter.
Posts: 40 |
Nov 06 2012, 14:42
Hi Ifor,
First time i had an issue with IpBike: with 1.1.7 update and GPS data recording. In my IpBike_72, 4/11/12 workout,, GPS data drop out at 52:33 even thought the workout time was 1:01:27, HR and barometric elevation data recording not affected.
I was also running Micoach as usualy i do, GPS data also drop out there.
Moderator Posts: 939 |
Nov 07 2012, 10:29
Thanks for the input Pepe.
This sounds different and I have seen it once or twice myself. The gps just stops sending updates to the application. The fact your other app stops reciving them implies it's something at the Android OS or gps firmware level. I don't have a good solution. If you spot it then 'pause trip' and 'resume trip' will restart it from IpBike which may or may not help. It will have a better chance if the other app is stoped at the same time.
The original report here the updates looked to be coming but IpBike stoped logging them along with everything else although the display side of things looked to keep working. If I could see the .ipp file from the orignal report I could at least check to see if the last entry was consistant or only partly there in which case I would review the code where it stoped.
Posts: 16 |
Nov 08 2012, 17:42
Apologies for the delay in getting the files, been away from the computer for the last couple of days. Copying the content of the email I sent here in case useful for anyone else.
Two things I've noticed which may or may not be useful for you. The dropouts happened after exactly 2 minutes of activity and that's the timeout I'd set on the phone for the screen-lock. In the IpBike app, I changed the setting to screen stay on, instead of screen lock disabled and the problem has not re-occurred with this setting.
The other thing I noticed was that after the power stopped recording, the IpSensorMan showed the power value for the Power2Max device when pedaling but was saying CLOSED instead of TRACKING. I tried stopping/starting ANT, searching sensors but no difference. So I killed ANT, restarted ANT and this time started recording the power again.
So now if I notice anything go a bit pear shaped, it should take but a moment to get it going again