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The system is not that good but I prefer to spend my time working on IpBike than trying to set up an alternative. It is at least good at keeping the spam away.
It is advisable to 'copy' before you try and post as the captcha stuff is a bit to agresive and the back buttone is not working for everyone. You can at least then paste and have another go.
Apps »
IpBike » Ip-stream of sensor data to MQTT-Broker?
Started by Yoyo2014 May 20 2020, 08:53
  Posts: 21 |
May 20 2020, 08:53
Unfortunately, is not available anymore, not even the domain name.
But there is a new promising option available: MQTT
There are also MQTT brockers on the web:
Matlab and Python can receive MQTT streams.
There is a new script available to send ANT sensor data to a MQQR brocker, which from there could be streamed to Matlab or Python.
It runs on a Rasperri PI. What about integrating this scipt into IpBike, which would be a more practical solution than a Rasperri Pi?
A well documented interface for a sensor stream from ANT sensors to Matlab or Python is missing. IpBike with integrated MQTT script could solve this problem
Matlab supports MQTT
and also Python
What is needed:
1. Example code from Reto, modify it and integrate it into IpBike
2. install a MQTT brocker on target PC:
3. Connect to Android ad hoc network from windows PC:
4. Connect to Matlab MQTT:
5. connect to Matlab example code:
6. Or connect to Python MQTT:
7. connect to Python example code:
This would open the door for ANT sensor streams over MQQT, either via an Ad hoc connection to a PC, or over an MQQT brocker in the web.
An Android application with the name IpBike should offer an option for an ip-stream directly to a PC or over an MQQT brocker in the web.
  Posts: 21 |
Jul 19 2020, 13:34
Is an ipBike without an Ip stream not a joke?
  Posts: 21 |
Sep 03 2020, 02:52
I m promoting the idea of MQTT for IpBike. Live tracking io is gone, GPS ies is gone, MQTT is alive and will stay alive. There are MQTT brockers in the web, MQTT can be build in in every application in different operating systems. Scientists will choose IpBike as their app for their studies with ANT+ and BLE sensors, since there is excellent support for it. There is now BLE support in Matlab, I suppose because of my many attempts to promote the idea:
but it requires direct pairing to a PC. Is this not an unsatisfying solution. IpBike with an MQTT interface should easily allow to build your own live tracking service. Build in MQTT into IpBike Ifor Powell. Every Matlab user or sooner or later every Python user is asking “why does IpBike not support MQTT”?
  Posts: 21 |
Sep 03 2020, 21:30
There are free MQTT brocker options in the Web:
MQTT is easily to integrate with Infux data Base:
the database which was part of
MQTT can easily be visualized in Grafana. is gone, but with MQTT and IpBike it should be easy to build your own livetracking service for everyone who wants a livetracking service. There are free GPS services for this available in the web.
And finally, IpBike with MQTT would solve a big problem of Garmin and other ANT+ and BLE devices, namely that it is difficult to access sensor data from these devices and process it in an application of your choice. One of those is Matlab:
Peter Gamma, Yogi from Switzerland
  Posts: 21 |
Sep 04 2020, 03:01
Influx data base is very helpful to solve the problem to synchronize sensors from multiple devices.
Enric Sala developed an Influx Databse client for Matlab:
to create a common data base for house sensors. With his client, he can handle the sensor data base completely in Matlab. But there is also an Influx Databse client for Python
Many functions of Matlab are also available in Python. Python lacks the moderated support community and the clarity of the support of research scientists.
With MQTT and influx data base, it is possible to combine sensor data from different apps in one database. When MQTT is integrated in the app, data from IpBike can be integrated with data from Mind Monitor, OpenSignals Moblie, a training tracker, Pinephone BLE and ANT+etc.if they also integrate MQTT, which I proposed the devleopers of these apps.
The Influx database can for instance be processed and visualized in Matlab, Python and Grafana. There is growing support for MQTT, there are for instance android apps available for Android to handle MQTT.
That s why I promote MQQT. Yoga and meditation are known for their positive effect on health. But little is known about the effect on physiological parameters. These tools could help to solve these problems.
  Posts: 21 |
Sep 04 2020, 09:00
For practising yoga and meditation, is there a helpful software application? I could not find any. There is now Matlab support for BLE sensors, which needs direct pairing to a PC. But what about mobile applications? Who wants to carry around a PC for sporting activites or activity tracking?
There is a script available which sends sensor data from an ANT+ stick to an MQTT brocker:
Can this script be integrated into IpBike? I was looking for a long time to find an easy way to access ANT+ and BLE sensor data in a software application. I could not find one. Could integration of the ANT+ MQTT script into IpBike solve this problem?. Only sending of sensor data to an MQTT brocker would be necessary. The rest can be done by users themselves.
Peter Gamma, Yogi
  Posts: 21 |
Mar 08 2021, 07:36
The Polar Sensor Logger app supports sensor data forwarding using MQTT-protocol. The Mind Monitor app developer James Clutterbuck says MQQT is a possibility for the future. It would be great when data forwarding using MQTT-protocol becomes a standard for android sensor apps. MQTT has good support for Influx database. All sensor data from all sensors in one influx database, this is my vision.