If you have trouble registering then email support @ and I can force things though.
The system is not that good but I prefer to spend my time working on IpBike than trying to set up an alternative. It is at least good at keeping the spam away.
It is advisable to 'copy' before you try and post as the captcha stuff is a bit to agresive and the back buttone is not working for everyone. You can at least then paste and have another go.
Apps »
IpBike » Why am I getting 0 for Virtual Power?
Started by LisaB Mar 20 2021, 21:50
 Posts: 5 |
Mar 20 2021, 21:50
Hi, I'm a new user of IPBike and I am very impressed.
But I have run into a problem trying to set up virtual power. While riding, my screen displays 0 for Power, 5s Power, 30s Power, and Virtual Power. But the components of VP Rolling, VP Drag, VP Elevation, and VP Acceleration all display nice, positive values. All my speed and distance values are reasonable, just not the power.
I have checked the checkbox Enable Virtual Power in the Bike Editor. I have also set Non-active power timeout to the maximum of 60 sec in Settings.
My setup:
*indoor stationary bike with BLE Garmin speed sensor
*no other sensors
Thanks, Lisa
 Posts: 5 |
Mar 21 2021, 02:13
I figured it out --
In Bike Editor, I had "VP - Colories Mode" set to user defined my_vp without having it defined. Set to Road Bike instead, and getting reasonable values now.